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HomeEnvironment & ScienceIndisputable Proof of the Existence of the Lord the Creator the Most...

Indisputable Proof of the Existence of the Lord the Creator the Most Merciful

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Science says the history of the beginning human kind goes back to only 200,000 years before. And human civilization only 6000 years back. Radio metric technology says the age of earth is about 420000000 years. The age of our galaxy where our earth exists is of more than 45000000 years and the age of our Sun is quite similar to it. The age of known universe is 13400000000 years back when big bang took place. Science can not tell the size of our galaxy as it is expanding at the rate of the speed more than light when light’s speed is 186000X60X60 miles per hour.

Nobody, no science, no supercomputer can say the size of our galaxy Milky Way. It will be stupid boy’s work to calculate the size of the known universe. As stupid boy if someone calculate it’s radius then it’s length would roughly 186000 X 60 X 60 X 24 X 365 X 13400000000 = my calculator showed the result as 7.860003264E+22!!!!! But this calculation of radius is wrong of course because the first explosion range of the big bang created multiple galaxies less than a picosecond (1/1000000000000 of a second – 1 trillionth of a second) when the size of a galaxy is unfathomable by known science. It is as because of the same reason i.e the galaxies are expanding too in a speed more than the speed of light. Again for another reason for what it is also not possible to measure the size a galaxy i.e. the existence of multiple number of black holes in a galaxy where science can never reach because everything is lost in each blackhole – the planets, the satellites, the stars, star dust, matters, nebulous and so on. Even light can not escape black hole. Light is lost there. So even when we can’t measure the size of a galaxy then we can never be able to measure the size of our known universe where billions of galaxies do exist. Again the reason we can never be able to estimate the size of the universe I that at the time of it’s explosion to create first multiple galaxies, it took femtosecond time. So we can not measure the length or size of the universe at the time of first explosion.

Science do not know what triggered big bang. And before big bang science can not tell what existed. Science assume big bang occurred from something particle (nothing in fact) which was less than the size of an atom; in fact, billion times less than the size of an atom. Science tells that an atom can not be broken except near explosion. And only then electron, proton & proton are found. The numbers of electron or neutron at an atom will hardly be more than 100 pieces. And the particles size was million million times more diminutive than an electron. What wa that? That was nothing. And Science can not tell what triggered the particle billion time smaller than an atom! And ALLAH the Supreme Lord The Infinitive The Internal The Origin The Limitless says that he created the universe from nothing and said BE and Thus becomes. Science or Stephen Hawkins was unable to say what was before the big bang! Only ALLAH the Supreme Lord knows what we don’t know.

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