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Best Countries in the World

Happiest Countries in the World

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Before we go to the list, we should discuss about the idea of the best countries. As per the prevailing concept of the best countries, it should be noted that by ‘best country’ it means a country possesses best points to be qualified as the best country in the world. There are some vital factors on the points of discussion to view a country as a best country.

A country is best when it has the best government. The best government is possible to be formed when the country gets the best political party. A best political party would be best when it will have the best members, best principles, best mission, vision and best-working programs to ensure the happiest public life in the country.

A country is best when it is wealthy and at the same time, the state apparatuses of the country democratically keep the wealth open by different means like banks, public corporate, government departments, government offices, government companies, government projects, stock exchanges, ports and bazaars in the country so that populace would have the democratically competitive scopes to obtain the wealth. The best would be that country where the people feel themselves free entity i.e. they would indulge freedom of speech, freedom of enterprise activities, freedom of will for maneuvering their ideas and freedom to establish them. While people would have freedom of doing things in all sorts of aspects it should be noted here that people will also have the freedom to prevent crime. If somebody makes the given freedom of doing anything it would not mean that he or she would willfully hard other people or others’ properties. In this context, other people would intend to work with crime prevention will have the freedom to stop crimes that would violate the freedom of others, damage the safety of others health or cause injury or death to others or properties of other people and organizations. The safety environment in different areas and places in the country are well maintained. Moreover, public health is well ensured. Medical treatments are well done and the life expectancy rate is high. What is going to be reflected in this discussion is that a country would be best when the security in this country is highly ensured. Moreover, a democratic security state would try to ensure the protection of its public interest and property at the highest level which would also include protection against aggression, hegemony, espionage from other countries. The relative hostility or aggression from other countries would be less likely on a country when the country would have the best political party which is said at the beginning of this article.  

A country would be the best country in the world when the services of its different public and private sectors serve best to the citizens and all sorts of customers. It is very important to be the best country when the services in the cities, towns and villages in the country are found best. Customers who take services are found very happy. The best services are possible when the country develop and polish every side of its enterprise activities. It is a long way to go and several countries in the world have already obtained it in this post-modern era.

A country would be the best when its culture is also found best. When the culture is defined as the whole way of life, and if we narrow down the culture to some basic forms i.e. norms, customs, conducts, mores, and modus apprentice of the societies in the country and see that those basic forms have been so well developed that the lifestyle of the people is so much humanistic, posh, polished and highly developed or civilized, then, surely, we should assume that the country is culturally highly developed and it has a vital point to be the best country in the world. A culturally developed country would have the best standard in its schools, colleges and education system so that the new generation’s cognitive development nicely takes place. A culturally developed country would be morally developed as well so that discrimination in employment, education and business opportunities are not practised at all. People in the country would be found very happy once they can utilize their best merits and potentials.

Based on the above discussion, likewise, information and data of the countries in the world are collected. Names and pictures of the 10 best countries in the world are given below:

  1. The United Kingdom

2. The United States

3. Germany

4. Finland

About: Reconstruction of Stone Age dwelling from Kierikki, Oulu

5. Sweden

6. Japan

7. Ireland

8. Italy

9. Portugal

10. South Korea

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