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HomeUncategorizedEid Mubarak from Dhaka Eye Security Services & Studies

Eid Mubarak from Dhaka Eye Security Services & Studies

Best Eid Wishes to All

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May this Eid bring prosperity, health, happiness, and joy to its customers, viewers, and audiences!

Dhaka Eye wishes all the bests to its respected viewers, sharers, commentators, and stakeholders.

Eid Mubarak!

About Us: Dhaka Eye Security Services & Studies is a reliable security service and security study agency that believes in high standards of services and research with ethics, values, morals, equal opportunities, and safeguarding.

Dhaka Eye started its venture first with security services named Dhaka Eye Security Services in the year 2018 being licensed under Bangladesh Government which included guard services, threat analysis, security assessment, risk management, security escort, trade fair security services, and fire prevention support in the city of Dhaka.

In, 2019, we launched dhakaeye.com to display the information materials of Dhaka Eye Security Services only for security services in addition to our Facebook page. At the beginning of 2021, we decided to change dhakaeye.com features only for the purpose of what you are watching presently on our site and left the information materials of security services only on the Facebook page. Therefore, this year, we restructured our site to serve you well and further.

On dhakaeye.com, contents are given aiming at varieties topics where we try to prioritize them to safety and security benefits or interests of the societies not only in and around Dhaka city, but also across Bangladesh, and even, on offshore places where we can entertain and benefit the customers. We try our level best to be neutral, free, impartial, and honest in our endeavors so that all readers and audiences are freely entertained, enlightened, enjoyed, enthralled, and fascinated. Our sincere apologies in advance if any unintended human error causes any inconvenience.

Mission: Our mission is to thrive, devote and dedicate our level best to providing information materials for the goodwill and welfare of the society, customs, and cultural elements and dynamics.

Vision: Our vision is to be one of the leading sites to benefit the people in the country and across the country too with study and knowledge-based news, information, and entertainment.

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