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HomeHistory & SecurityGreat Events Occurred on this day in the Human History

Great Events Occurred on this day in the Human History

As per Lunar Calendar, Those Truly Happened

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·  Adam A:’s repentance was accepted, ALLAH forgave Him, and He was reunited with Eve

on this day the 10th Muharram.

·  Prophet Noah A:’s boat descended on this day the 10th  Muharram on Mount Judiyy.

·  Moses A: crossed the sea with Israelites, got rid of the pharaoh on this day the 10th 


·  Abraham A: was rescued from king Namrood’s blaze by ALLAH, the Most Merciful, the fire

was extinguished by ALLAH and Abraham A: was saved.

·  Jacob A: was released from the extensive test of ALLAH SWT. He recovered from the long-lasting disease. During the ordeal, Jacob A: held onto his faith in ALLAH despite losing his health, family, wealth, and kingdom.

·  Solomon A: on this day the 10th  Muharram,  ALLAH awarded Solomon A: a great kingdom which was granted than any other kingdom that no man could found before him in the history of mankind. The blessing of ALLAH SWT: included other rewards that the prophet A: got the power to command the winds. He was also granted an army that consisted of men, djins, animals and birds.

·  Jonah A: was redeemed from the belly of a huge as ALLAH accepted the prophet’s prayer for forgiveness. ALLAH also pardoned the people of his land as they committed a sin by disobeying the message of the prophet.

·  Isaiah A: was taken away from being crucified by the Romans. ALLAH SWT lifted up Isaiah A: to heaven.

·  Lastly, Hussein RA: son of Ali RA, Grandson of Prophet SA: was mercilessly assassinated today with his children and companions at Karbala on this day the 10th Muharram.

Future Events to Take Place:

·  It is likely that Imam Mahdi RA: would appear on God on this day the 10th Muharram to fight the troops of the evil forces on the battlefield and bring peace to the whole world.

·  It was prophesied that the doomsday would take place on this day the 10th Muharram.

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