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HomeDevelopment & SecurityWhat changes do you like to see that Bangladesh may take on...

What changes do you like to see that Bangladesh may take on her path of development?

Author- Syed Tanvir Yousuf

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In order to have real sustainability, many things should be re-started or newly opened. After the independence from two foreign colonies in 1947 and 1971 respectively, complex state apparatuses took over. So, a lot of things need to be re-arranged. I would just found the below points. However, in terms of above question, a research based long paper should be presented. Anyway, some points from my mind at this time of writing came as:

Attribution: © Moheen Reeyad / Wikimedia Commons / “Karnaphuli River at night (02)”
  1. Love to see honest leaders and intellectuals who would give effort to build honest and nice people for the country to have.
  2. Bangladeshi cultural events to prevail (neighboring big brother’s cultural dominance by media to be stopped) like great Bangla drama, band concert, local programs like jatra, indigenous cultural events like Rash Mela at Kuakata to be sponsored.
  3. Education system to be reshuffled.There are so many highly educated and qualified people who should take the chair of education minister. Universities should get foreign investment and scholarships for researches. Private universities should be effectively monitored, and upon being well appreciated, should get government funds. Love to see that the funding for the operation of private universities is not dependent only on students tuition fees.
  4. Love to see that there are strong foreign policiesand skilled international lobbying that would bring sincere friends. Not those friends who are so tricky to have one way benefits. An example of true friend is Turkey for Pakistan. Pakistani students are getting ceaseless, and immense level of scholarships to have higher educations in Turkey.
  5. Strong and skilled Urban plan: Dhaka needs to get rid of the stigma of the third worst livable cities.
    • Many open places were grabbed by the previous government. For example, there was a big field as playing ground in front of Sheraton Hotel staff quarter at Mirpur 13. Government itself has grabbed the land to erect 8 no.s 10 storied building for the residences of their officers. Bangladesh was in good position in cricket ranking. Now, it is not even in best 10 (behind new team Afghanistan). In other sports, there is no sign of success. Because there are no field to make new sportsman to grow. Another field’s half portion at Mirpur Pallabi called red field (lal math) was grabbed for placing a government community center.
    • Not only fields, in Dhaka city, there is hardly any lake for environmental balance. People have rare opportunities for recreation at parks or lakes. There are hardly any playing grounds for the youngsters to play. Next generation could be physically unfit.
    • There is no government initiatives to stop sound pollution. A normal human being can not walk on the footpaths of Dhaka city. Honking of motor cars will make him mad. Children are having hearing impairment. There should be laws to control sound pollution.
    • Urbanization: Love to hear no lie to the nations that project like metro rail is rapid. Should be told the truth that the projects in their hands are the slowest. Not giving the people false hope with the idea of having votes in the national election. Dhaka Development Authority (RAJUK) should have rigid instruction that each new building must leave space in front t and back for planting trees.
    • Cutting Trees: Dhaka city corporation should have laws that if a tree is needed to cut off, permission should be sought.
  6. Love to see “No Illegal Means of Income and Money Laundering” : There should be more law enforcement agencies to monitor financial corruption in the country. Only anti-corruption commission is not enough.
  7. Establishment of Equality Commissions and Labor agencies: Many qualified people are not having job. Nepotism and means of connections culture should be stopped. The above mentioned agencies should be established where every organizations and agencies would be lawfully liable about their recruitment process.
  8. More agencies to stop corruption: There are no end of corruptions indulged by the some sort of people either in power or not. There should be more agencies other than anti-corruption commission in Bangladesh. A third agency should be there to monitor and take action against negligence or failure in duties by anti-corruption commission and other anti-corruption agencies.
  9. Salary of Law Enforcement: These guys work hardest. Salaries of these guys should be hundred thousand of Bangladeshi bug so that they do not need to look for illegal income. Moreover, recruitment process for Law enforcement should be different where qualification requirement in application should be higher.
  10. Reshuffling BCS Bangladesh Civil Service system: A medical student shouldn’t a police officer and a Master’s from agriculture university should not become a magistrate. It would be wastage of time, effort, education, learning and money of not only of the candidates, but also if the country. Alike Australia, for applying in civil service jobs, there should specifications that to be shortlisted for police jobs, somebody would need to have degree in political science, law, criminology, security / safety management, strategic studies, military and war studies, defense studies etc.
    • On the other hand, rather than once a year exam system, there should be month wise public service exam.
  11. Tax paid salary : Instead of VAT system on every purchase (where poor people who starve also need to provide VAt in purchasing. It should be based on the salary paid to the individuals citizens. It will be fair. The higher income, the higher Tax to give to government. There are hundreds of thousand foreigners who are working with proper visas. Those foreigners must brought under Tax.
  12. Local products: Only big RMG corporate get govt emergency aid. Small and medium sized RMG does not get proportionately. They should get to survive; especially during Covid 19 crisis when product range is low. Other local products Jute made products, plastic products, cement, medicines, coconut shell products, and all those aggro-productivity should get strong, neutral and effective aid on export so that local business enterprises get business gain and the country gets economic growth.
  13. Investment in science and technology: Balderdash fall behind in scientific research, discovery and inventions. If someone makes on his own, such is lost as no intensive and appropriate formal care is done. There should be a department which job would be to care, provide patent and help establish new scientists and inventors with their discoveries and prototypes.
  14. Water resources: Bangladesh has hardly mega water resource projects except Kaptai hydro electric project and Tista project. But, the country has hundreds of big rivers. She should take mega projects by inviting international developers form the USA, UK, Russia, Australia, Canada, China, Japan, India, Turkey etc to utilize water resources that water way transport would be established which would help in removing too much dependence on road transportation and traffic jam. There should more hydro-electric projects and other power generating projects instead of environmentally harmful Rampal Power Plant. A huge water reservoir should be established which would take water during flood season, reserve, and irrigate water during dry season
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