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HomeEntertainmentIs Darwin's Theory of Evolution False?

Is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution False?

Answered by Syed Tanvir in reference to Agoston Kovács.

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Thanks for asking this question. To answer this question I would like to quote a past history in my career journey. I happened to start a Master of Research in Environmental History in the UK. At first, I participated in ESOL classes which Agoston Kovács, a Ph.D. student of Biology attended as well; and one day, I stopped him nearby a shopping center in Newry city of Northern Ireland. To afford his tuition fee the student was driving a 20 wheels lorry. By the by, I would like to mention here that Agoston Kovács is from Hungary.

Thanks shouted to the photographer Misael Moreno on https://twitter.com/EyeDhaka for the above picture

We started chatting about different matters while taking tea at the market. During the chat, I asked him to explain to me the theory of evolution which says that monkey species regenerated into human beings by means of evolution. To my surprise, listening to my question he was surprised when I asked him to explain Darwinism because he did not know that I do not know that Darwinism is a bogus idea. He said Darwinism has been expelled much before as a false idea.

It is not correct that Homo Sapiens had its origin in the monkey species or that modern human is from the result of evolution because the line of DNA’s graphic move of the monkey species does not resemble humans. The two lines move in different directions and degrees. In order to prove this, he also added that if Darwinism would be true then the content of the brain of Egypt’s Pharaoh would not be larger than today’s humans. As per evolution theory, modern man’s brain content should have been larger than the Pharaoh’s which actually has not taken place. Charles Darwin’s idea of evolution is insubstantial because the content of Pharaoh’s brain is larger than that of modern man.

Thanks shouted to the photographer Johannes Plenio on https://twitter.com/EyeDhaka for the above picture
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