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HomeDevelopment & SecurityThe Riches with Poor Hearts Are a Threat to the Human Civilization

The Riches with Poor Hearts Are a Threat to the Human Civilization

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Those wealthy people are actually poor if they do not possess applied human virtues. Due to having specific intellects or having intellects suitable for the perspective of the place they are successful in making wealth. However, humans who have good virtues are better humans than those wealthy people. These selfish people will perish from the soil of the earth one day and they will be forgotten like dust. Compare to the age of the earth, the age of humankind is like the last few seconds of a 24-hour clock. And, the indulging selfish humans just live for a few nanoseconds in the history of the earth. They are neither liked by the soul of the earth nor by the mother nature. Neither Lord the Most Merciful like them nor His angels. These consumerist animals just die after their materialistic consumption.

Ratio-wise the number of rich people is more in underdeveloped or developing countries. In third world countries, sometimes it is seen that many riches make their money by cheating general people who they employ in their so treacherous factory or service company. They cheat by giving less wages which the workers or laborers do not deserve. And, as the rule of law does not prevail in the third-world country, the riches can manage it well and the protest by the workers is undermined by the fear or threat posed by the influential riches. The governments of third-world countries more or less survive by undemocratic means such as taking help from treacherous riches. And, an applied democracy is neither wanted by the third world countries’ government nor by the evil riches as if democracy is established there, they will not be able to sustain. Democratic institutions and practices will take over and they would not be able to cheat people to become rich or come to power. Until good democratic revolutions take place by true honest leaders in third-world countries, the situation may not be changed quickly. A good example of such a revolution took place in Iran. Unfortunately, due to geopolitical issues and ideological conflict, the US has been imposing sanctions on Iran for several decades. Otherwise, Iran could become a truly developed democratic country (it is democratic in the way of its culture and religion. And it should be seen as democratic by the West as free, impartial, and fair elections take place there). Being a developed country does not mean that it is only rich or it can showcase mega structures or infrastructures. It means it has got development in ensuring human rights, humanitarian affairs, human qualities, social welfare, social programs and events, and festival and rituals in comparison to other Middle East countries such as UAE (whose capital is the so-called glittering Dubai), Kuwait, Oman, and Jordan. On the other hand, the human rights index is very low in Arab countries. Democrat parties and voices cannot rise in Arab countries. Humanitarian principles and values are not well seen. The rich in the Middle East patronize human traffickers to bring helpless people from the South and Far East. People are trafficked to the riches of the Middle East for slavery. With low wages trafficked people are deployed to work for low profile jobs. Women are trafficked to the Middle East for riches and for slavery in their households. Men of rich households rape the trafficked girls or sell them at higher prices to other riches in their vicious circle. Children are trafficked to the Middle East to become jokey on camels. Out of fear, the more a trafficked child cries, the faster a camel runs to win the popular sports of the Arab riches. Common Arab people do not have the freedom of voice. To remain in power, the ruling elites and their royal families hold on to the vicious circle of consumerist riches. Their education level, and humanitarian affairs level are low. In science, education, philosophy, literature, discovery, and sociology, they have hardly any contribution compared to the people of democratic European countries.

The Rohingya refugee crisis can be a good example to uncover the hypocrisy of so-called Arab riches. All know that Rohingyas are Muslims. If Arab riches and Arab governments were not poor in their heart, they would be greater aid, relief, and aid agency provider for the wretched Rohingya Muslims. But no. They did not. The democratic people of the democratic West who are rich in the heart and have human virtues, came to rescue the Rohingya from extreme vulnerabilities. Not only aid and relief were provided but also the aid agencies from the West are still giving humanitarian services to the Rohingyas. Similar or close to the West, a non-Arab country Turkiye which is democratic and whose people are beautiful came to help the Rohingyas and added value to the aid program for the Rohingyas.

There are a few countries that are hanging in the middle of being democratic such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Pakistan. Compared to Myanmar, Bangladesh is way ahead since she reached the path of democracy in 1990 through the People’s Revolution. However, as there was not highly true and honest leadership, the country has stumbled over on her path. Myanmar is facing a lot of challenges to have democracy. First of all, the inhuman ruling junta is more powerful. Secondly, the number of democratic parties and institutions in Myanmar is not adequate. In the case of Pakistan, it is a good sign that she has got a caretaker government that is expected to run a fair election with the participants of multiple parties. However, the caretaker government in Pakistan, before holding an election, would need the military leaders and their institutions to be removed from civil affairs and functions. The military budget and the number of military personnel have to be reduced (the same are also mentionable in regards to India which is still struggling on many social issues). The military places and establishments from the capital Islamabad have to be removed as well. Now, coming back to the regard of Bangladesh, it can be said that she has lost her democratic means as the present Awami League government has been corrupted and lost democratic leadership and practice. To remain in power perpetually, its ruling elites have killed all the democratic organizations, institutions, and even other political parties. Either Awami League has partisanised them or sent the democracy lovers to jail. On the other hand, like the Middle East sheiks, their leader Sheikh Hasina has patronized those evil riches for ensuring perpetual power. For over 15 years, the mafias have been dominating Bangladesh, and from employment to commerce; in all sectors, mafias or those connected to the party have made immense wealth. And the amount has been so high, that the common people have lost their purchasing power. The daily product price in the districts of Bangladesh is more than in London, New York, or Sydney.

Whatever happens in a democratic state is the repression of evil and the nurturing of discipline. Unfortunately, in this mafia regime, there is nurturing of evil and suppression of discipline. In the name of the mega project, the mafias of the regime have obtained foreign loans and have turned the country into a bottomless basket. Where it costs 5 million to construct a plant, they have shown the cost as 100 million dollars or have spent such an amount by extending the project implementation time frame. They have smuggled billions of dollars in case a mass revolution takes place. One single mafia named P.K. Haldar has smuggled $ 1,000 million to India. This P.K. Haldar was helped by the wealthy staff in the administration of the regime to escape successfully. In this modern world, where there are Motorola wireless radios, innumerable handphones or mobile phones, and emails, the corrupt officials of the rime gave messages to the Bangladesh border and port officials including immigration police by a postal letter through a second-class postal delivery; which was delivered after P.K. Haldar had successfully crossed the Bangladesh port. The mockery has not ended yet, the pockets of mafias were filled with billion of dollars in the name of making a digital Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been in a grave undemocratic situation that the common people who want to be liberated from the octopus of this mafia regime are even unable to breathe well. The mafias have not only made a polluted and gave poisonous atmosphere but also polluted the livable geographic environment. Fortunately, the grim situation in Bangladesh has not gone unnoticed by the West. The US, the UN, and other Western countries have started pressing on the leaders of this regime. Pressure has been made to allow opponents to rally and process. The US has called to stop the oppression on the opposition parties and is deeply monitoring the political situation in Bangladesh. If a long-term caretaker government comes to Bangladesh and can organize a free and fair election, then Bangladesh will become truly democratic and move ahead to be a developed country.

If the riches of the third world can eliminate the poverty in their hearts, then, bloody mass revolution would not be needed. If Darwin’s evolutionary theory is true or the sending of Adam is true or if the fusion of both is true, then, those corrupted hearts pose a threat to the sustainability of human beings on the earth. If the riches with poor hearts continue their trend, human evolution would likely get the opposite direction. In the hands of time, the human race has achieved today’s Western civilization. The poverty in the heart has to be eliminated. Those who are rich in their heart lead the human civilization upward as they assist the helpless, serve the elderly, eliminate societal discrimination, human services, and national religion, regardless of caste, and ensure the rights of all sectors, including jobs and business trade.

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